Marriage Multiplier: Does your marriage need pruning?

1 Idea From Me

Expecting a perfect, unrealistic marriage leads to disappointment. Deal with the imperfections in your marriage together to find more contentment

1 Challenge to Try

Pray together for God’s protection over your marriage and family, and ask Him to lead you into a stronger, healthier marriage. If you need help in this area, my House Prayer Cards can help!

1 Thing I Recommend

5 Days To Deeper Emotional Intimacy

Your guide for learning how you and your spouse can better support each other emotionally. 

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1 Question For You

Are you contributing to anything unhealthy in your marriage today? Whether it’s your own unloving actions, or allowing, enabling or excusing your spouse’s wrongdoing, consider what needs to be pruned away to make your marriage healthier.

P.S. Do you have 15 minutes?

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