Marriage Multiplier: Is your marriage drifting?

1 Idea From Me

Make sure your spouse knows you really hear them and value their words. Your spouse will feel loved and cared for when they know they are heard in your marriage.

1 Challenge to Try

Show interest in your spouse's hobby. How can you support them in their hobby? If you’re not sure, ask!

1 Thing I Recommend

If your marriage has gotten a bit bland or boring, the Marriage Refresher Challenge will help you liven things up!

The Marriage Refresher Challenge will help you rejuvenate your marriage and focus on refreshing your marriage in 5 key areas: Communication, Intimacy, Connection, Prayer, and Finances.


1 Question For You

Are there any areas where you two are separate that take away from closeness and intimacy in your marriage?

P.S. Is your marriage drifting?

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