5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy for your Marriage

What does “emotional intimacy” mean? We will all have things we want to share that are hard to talk about. When Dr. Kim shares something very personal with his wife Nancy, he knows she will listen and come alongside him. He does the same for her.

That is emotional intimacy.

How is the emotional intimacy in your marriage? Do you feel safe telling your spouse anything? Do you feel loved, heard, and understood?

The problem is so many of us don’t talk about or even understand our own emotions. And just as a high level of emotional intimacy builds a strong marriage, lack of it can be seriously detrimental.

That’s why we created our brand new resource: 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy for Your Marriage.

Your marriage is meant to be a refuge…a place where you both feel safe sharing deep personal feelings that will be received by your spouse with understanding, compassion, and love.

Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource that provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.

Plus, your donation will be used to help other couples around the world!

As a nonprofit ministry, Awesome Marriage invests 100% of donations back into the ministry so we can continue to create resources like this to help hurting marriages heal, healthy marriages grow, and families stay together.

Thank you for your generosity!

This resource is a DIGITAL product in the form of a PDF and will be emailed to you immediately after donating.