A Lifetime of Awesome Sex
Love this clip from my interview with Bob Goff!
This Week’s Quick Hits:
Did you know?
If you took all the ants in the world (about ten thousand trillion) and put them on one side of a giant scale, you could almost put all of the people in the world onto the other and balance things out.
Can You Solve This?
Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I?
(Answer at the bottom!)
YouVersion Plan: One Foot Out The Door
What gives life to your marriage? What crushes it? If you are struggling with your marriage and feel you have one foot out the door, commit to doing the five days of this plan.
Awesome Marriage Podcast: “Curiosity & Courage with Special Guest Bob Goff”
Bob Goff has been an inspiration to me ever since I heard him speak at my church a few years back. We invited him to be on the AM Podcast with me and I was ecstatic when he said “Yes.” You will love his transparency, openness, and sense of humor. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Touch Points
They are right in front of you every day. When you act on them, your marriage grows. When you don’t, it’s another missed opportunity. Join me for 2 minutes as we look at “Touch Points.”
A Lifetime of Awesome Sex in Marriage Pt. 1
After a four week “Dispatch” break, is there a better topic to come back with? Over the next few weeks, we will look at how to create a lifetime of awesome sex in your marriage. We all want great sex in our marriage relationships.
For many couples sex starts out as a home run. Some couples have a lot of home runs but over time, life gets complicated. Work, kids and all kinds of things take our time and energy. Far too often, sex gets put on the back burner. It’s not like the burner is out. The fire is still there, but the setting is on simmer instead of high.
Then there are our expectations. Going into marriage, we can have high expectations for sex to bring us a lot of fulfillment. We see it portrayed in the media, movies, TV, streaming, and more. It dominates the covers of magazines and unfolds in the pages of books. Self-proclaimed experts act like they have it all together in this area offering their words of “wisdom.”
With all of this, we can think that a good sexual relationship in marriage will be a slam dunk. But it’s not. Couples struggle. When we struggle, most of us have no idea how to get back on the right track, let alone build something better. I believe God’s plan for sex was designed for marriage and that it can be great for a lifetime.
Sex is a gift from God. He created the sexual relationship. He is the one who made our bodies to fit perfectly together. We are going to look at what works and what does not. We will talk about frequency, quality, and hurdles to overcome. I want you to think about sex together, talk about sex together and have the sexual relationship in marriage that God designed for you.
Try it this week:
Each of you rate your sex life on a one to ten scale, with ten being amazing. Now take your rating and think of one thing that will take it up just one number - from a 1 to a 2, 4 to a 5, or 7 to an 8. Now share your results with each other.
Can You Solve This Answer: The letter “R”