A Lifetime of Awesome Sex in Marriage Pt. 2

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This Week’s Quick Hits:

Did you know?

  • While there are currently no female players in Major League Baseball, there have been plenty of women in professional men's leagues. The first was Lizzy Arlington, who pitched during the ninth inning for the Reading Coal Heavers in 1898 and won her team the game. A little over 30 years later, an African-American woman, Jackie Mitchell, pitched against the Yankees during an exhibition game, striking out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. What's more impressive: Mitchell was 17 years old at the time.

Can You Solve This? 

  • Forwards I am heavy, backward I am not. What am I?

    • (Answer at the bottom!)



The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

The subtitle of this book is “How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World.” This book did exactly what it was supposed to do for me. I set aside the time to intentionally slow down and look at my life. I discovered that I hurry a lot! Of the ten symptoms of “hurry sickness,” I checked four of them. They each affect my life and those around me in negative ways. The book is full of challenges and ideas and presents a lifestyle that makes a lot of sense. Now I have some next steps to take.


Awesome Marriage Podcast: Managing Margin

Creating margin in your marriage is not a one time event. It is a lifestyle of breaking negative cycles and patterns and building a life together filled with grace. Join Christina and me as we discuss ways to do this.


5 Things to Do To Fight Fair Part 1

Do you fight fair? Most of us don’t do a very good job of this with our spouse. This new vlog series, “5 Things to Do to Fight Fair,” debuts today. It will help you change the way you fight. Today we focus on listening.


A Lifetime of Awesome Sex in Marriage Pt. 2

A good sex life is like everything else in a good marriage—it takes work. It takes communication. It takes time and effort. 

It takes time and effort at the beginning of a marriage and it takes time and effort in every other stage a marriage goes through.

Looking back, at 20 and 22 years old, Nancy and I had so much to learn - about each other, about life, and about sex. I want to share with you a few of the things that we learned.

  • We both thought about sex. I just thought about it a lot more. 

  • I learned that making her feel guilty so she would have sex worked in the short term but was so damaging or the long haul. 

  • We learned that in the first five years we had a lot of time for sex. When kids came we had to be really intentional to make sex happen.  

  • I learned that a lock on our bedroom door was one of the best investments that I ever made. 

  • We learned that our sex drives were different. That was not bad but we had to learn how to navigate that.

  • We learned what we liked and did not like in sex.

  • I had wider boundaries when thinking about things to do in sex and I had to stay at her comfort level. 

  • We learned that in certain seasons of life, we had to be very intentional or sex did not happen. 

  • We discovered that learning about each other and sex was going to be a lifelong project. 

Next Steps:

  • In your marriage, what have you learned about each other, about life, and about sex with each other? Take a 15 minute timeout together and share your answers!

Can You Solve This Answer: Ton


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