Your Job Part 2: FORGIVENESS


In this series we are trying to define what our job is as a spouse.  God has a perfect plan for our spouse and it is His job to lead them on that path but He also has a role for us. Today let's look at one of the things He calls us to do. God calls us to forgive.

Forgiveness is at the heart of any relationship.  It is the foundation of our faith as we have a God who provided a way for us to be forgiven.  He set the bar and He set it high.  When I talk to singles or teach couples preparing for marriage, I talk about forgiveness.  I tell them if you are in a relationship and your partner cannot or will not forgive you - get out!

In our marriage, we forgive each other daily.  One of my jobs as a husband is to forgive.  The same is true for Nancy.  Every day I mess up and I am in need of her forgiveness.  She messes up, too, but far less than me.  Unforgiveness eats at our souls and at the soul of our marriage.  It is God’s job to change and mold our spouse.  It is His job to make them aware of areas that He wants to help them work on.  The job description is very clear.  I need to let God do His job without my help.  Then with His help I need to do my jobs and one of those jobs is to forgive.

How does forgiveness work in your relationship?

Dr. Kim