Is It Good to Avoid Conflict?


Most of us grew up in homes where we didn’t see conflict handled well by our parents. I never met anyone who got warm, fuzzy feelings when they heard the word conflict. Conflict tears lives apart. Conflict tears marriages apart. Conflict scares us. Yet conflict is a part of life. The key is how we handle it.

When a couple has conflict and it is not resolved, there is frustration and anger. They feel trapped and don’t see a way out. So they may eventually get to the point where they give up. They may get out of the marriage, or they may just exist together. Either way, the conflict can end but the fallout is terrible.

What if a couple instead took time to resolve conflict? What if they listened to each other—really listened? What if they set aside time to problem solve together? What if they reached a resolution that worked for both of them? Do you know what that could do? Working through conflict builds closeness and intimacy. It provides confidence—a couple can trust that whatever they face in marriage, they can face it successfully together.

Couples who learn to solve conflict together have a huge advantage in marriage over those who don’t. Avoiding conflict is not good.

In 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage, you will learn practical ways to grow your marriage through resolving conflict.