Tech Boundaries Your Marriage Needs | Ep. 635

Is screen time an issue in your marriage? The effects of tech on a marriage are far-reaching. There are endless options for how tech might distract us from marriage, from; our phones and other devices to social media, Netflix, Youtube, gaming, gambling, checking the stock market or sports scores … and the list goes on! 

Today Dr. Kim equips you with healthy boundaries for technology so that it doesn’t come between you and your spouse. Tune in for help with this timely topic. 

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include:  

  • Dr. Kim’s most common problems he sees couples face with tech 

  • How to put healthy boundaries around tech use 

  • Strategies for setting healthy parameters around entertainment 

  • How parents can teach healthy tech limits to kids 

Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide!

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “It’s about how you’re using it, and how you’re coming into agreement with your spouse.” - Lindsay Few 

  • “Figure out what’s taking away from your time together.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  

  • “These things need to be brought into the light and dealt with together.” - Lindsay Few 

  • “What are the main things we want in our marriage? Where is technology taking away from those?” - Dr. Kim Kimberling