Help! My Marriage Feels Out of Control | Ep. 634

Even when life feels out of control; there are still some essential things you CAN control. Whether single, dating, married, or remarried; no matter where your marriage is today, these five things will help you be at your best. 

Feeling out of control certainly isn’t a fun situation, but there are still important and impactful things you can do if that’s where you are today. In this episode, Dr. Kim shares five things you can control, even when your marriage feels totally out of control. Don’t miss the wisdom Dr. Kim is bringing today!

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include:  

  • Dr. Kim shares 5 essential things you can control, even when life feels out of control 

  • Practical ways to take control over these 5 areas

  • A simple challenge that will change your perspective 

  • Why this matters, even in a struggling marriage 

Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide!

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “Everyone contributes to the problem. It may be 90/10, but usually, by the time they come in, they’ve both contributed to the problem.”    - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “We don’t do ‘be angry and do not sin’ real well. Usually we get angry and we sin.”   - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “No matter where our marriage is, we have to take personal responsibility, otherwise it’s not going to grow.” - Lindsay Few  

  • “When you start praying for someone I do think you can start to see them more through God’s eyes. “ Lindsay Few 

  • “Sometimes we trust God with our salvation but we don’t trust him with our spouse.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “Positive things – speaking them, thinking them – makes a huge difference.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “One of the greatest gifts you can give your marriage is learning to problem-solve together.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • If you're thinking positive thoughts, you’re going to say positive things.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling