Finding Hope Through Our Failures with Becky Kiser | Ep. 639

We don’t often talk about our failures, but maybe that needs to change. It’s easy to focus on others’ highlight reel, while we’re highly aware of our own personal shortcomings. But the shame of feeling like we don’t measure up keeps us from real relationships. 

Today we’re going there with special guest, Becky Kiser, as we talk about the power of the gospel and how God uses us in spite of our shortcomings. Don’t miss this powerful conversation.

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include:  

  •  Fight the cascade effect of feeling like a failure 

  • The two most debated sections of Becky’s new book - and why

  • The 1st step to start loving your spouse well   

  • How to move out of shame and into freedom

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “Even women who are successful; women who have accomplished a bunch, deal with failure.” - Becky Kiser 

  • “The Gospel message is not, ‘Get your life together then God can do something with your life.’” - Becky Kiser 

  • “I’ve found the most freedom from acknowledging I can’t.” - Becky Kiser  

  • Not all failures are actual failures. They’re just a part of life.” - Becky Kiser 

  • We spend so much time ‘dying to ourselves’ that we think there’s no value to ourselves.” - Becky Kiser 


Main Takeaway: God doesn’t want you to be perfect. He has that covered. He’s inviting you to join him exactly as you are. 

Questions to Discuss: 

  1. Becky discusses the importance of love and acceptance for yourself in light of Jesus’ command to “love your neighbor as yourself.” What does that mean to you?

  2. What is an area you feel weak where God is inviting you to give yourself grace?