27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask

Money is a really tough issue for most couples.

Financial pressures can take a toll on your marriage, especially during challenging economic times.

That’s why we created 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask.

27 Money Questions includes 27 simple questions you can work through with your spouse so you can get, and stay, on the same page with your finances. It will also help you and your spouse:

  • Better understand each other’s outlook on money

  • Work together to move your finances in the right direction

  • Navigate your household finances well together

  • Eliminate stress and tension

  • Gain the tools you need to pay down debt, get spending under control, and save wisely for your future goals and dreams

27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask is our gift to you today in exchange for your donation to Awesome Marriage. Not only will your marriage be blessed by this resource, but your gift will be used to help other couples around the world!

As a nonprofit ministry, Awesome Marriage invests 100% of donations back into the ministry so we can continue to create resources like this to help hurting marriages heal, healthy marriages grow, and families stay together.

Thank you for your generosity!

*This resource is a DIGITAL product in the form of a PDF and will be emailed to you immediately after donating.