How Embracing Brokenness Brings the Life God Has For Us With Toni Collier | Ep. 575

We are delighted to have Toni Collier on the podcast today. Toni has spoken and written plenty about the way that embracing brokenness, though counterintuitive, is the key to experiencing a full life in Christ.

She talked to Dr. Kim about how –and why– to effectively embrace your brokenness personally, what that means, and what it can do for your marriage and family. Don’t miss this grace-filled episode!

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • The faith “secret” that transformed Toni’s perspective on brokenness

  • The deeply personal origin of Toni’s new book, and why a children’s book is so important  

  • The biggest mistake she made early in marriage, and how she recovered 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here