I love to see what we can apply now and what we will be able to in marriage
"Thanks so much for sharing your daily One Thing emails. My fiance and I found your reading plan on YouVersion and enjoyed it (we're getting married 9/2/17). Though we're still engaged and I am prone to email clutter, I signed up for your "One Thing" emails. Pleasant surprise, I've been able to keep up! They have been really refreshing to read each morning (and thank God, are a manageable length!). I love to see what we can apply now and what we can apply later once we're husband and wife. Going to Godly sources of wisdom has been our theme all the way through the relationship and I am blessed to be gleaning from your wisdom now too.
I hope whoever is reading this will be encouraged and thanked today, knowing that you are helping us stay strong in the Lord during this hectic phase of wedding planning! We appreciate you."
- Liz & Robert