Marriage Multiplier: On Empathy, Participation, and My New Book!

1 Idea From Me

The more we can be intuitive and empathetic with our spouse, I think that really makes them feel loved.

1 Marriage Challenge To Accomplish This Week

Do something to actively participate in your spouse’s interests or hobbies this week.

1 Resource I Want To Highlight

5 Week Marriage Refresher Challenge

Is your marriage coasting? It’s not bad, and no pain points come to mind, but also no real investment is being made. Or maybe only the investments that you’ve grown accustomed and comfortable with making?

You’re not hurting, but you’re not having fun like you used to. Maybe your relationship feels a bit lifeless or stale. If that’s you, we can help!

The Marriage Refresher Challenge is designed specifically for you. Dr. Kim’s vast experience as a Christian Marriage Counselor indicates that investing intentionally in 5 key areas will have a huge impact on your marriage. What if you took 5 weeks and did 5 things each week to refresh your marriage?


1 Marriage Question

How can you begin to show Jesus to those around you?

P.S.  Let’s get ready to rumble!

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