Marriage Multiplier: On emotions, Better Sex, and Gratitude.
1 Idea From Me
God gave us anger just like he did every other emotion. It’s not a bad emotion, but it should be a red flag for us. The key is how do we handle that red flag when it comes up.
1 Marriage Challenge To Accomplish This Week
Tell your spouse five specific ways you are grateful for them.
1 Resource I Want To Highlight
This cheat sheet has some of Dr. Kim’s best time-tested tips to a better, more satisfying sex life, to help you have the sex life you want in your marriage. Sex is truly a gift from God. He created it, He created us, and He created marriage! Yet it’s also one of the most tense topics in many marriages. Use this cheat sheet to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling sexual relationship in your marriage.
44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage: Sexual Intimacy Cheat Sheet
1 Marriage Question
What do the two of you enjoy the most in your sex life in this season of your marriage?