Marriage Multiplier: Ask your spouse these 3 spicy questions 🌶️

1 Idea From Me

Affairs start out with baby steps. They can happen to anyone. Failing to acknowledge that makes you more vulnerable.

1 Challenge to Try

Ask your spouse these 3 spicy questions

  1. Is there something new you think would turn you on that you’d like to try? 

  2. Do you feel total freedom to express your orgasm? Why or why not?

  3. What is the absolutely hottest thing I could wear?

1 Thing I Recommend

My brand new resource is something EVERY couple needs. 

Eliminate stress and tension by learning to navigate finances well in your marriage. Use these 27 practical Questions to work towards financial unity.


1 Question For You

When was the last time you two solved a problem together?

P.S. Are you trying to keep score?

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