Marriage Multiplier: Make mundane moments matter

1 Idea From Me

Your marriage needs mundane moments together. Your marriage needs space and even a little boredom that leads to connection and meaningful moments.

1 Challenge to Try

When Chris and Jenni Graebe sought wisdom from happy couples they admired, they found 5 rhythms in those couples’ marriages. Out of the 5, speaking life was the #1 rhythm those couples modeled. Each day this week, find one way to speak life to or about your spouse.

1 Thing I Recommend

One way to have more life-giving communication is through great conversation. You can improve your conversations simply by asking great questions using the Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse Bundle.


1 Question For You

What are some ways you can better support your spouse through their weaknesses?

P.S. Don’t make it complicated! Use these no-brainer marriage tips.

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