Marriage Multiplier: Warning signs of superficial connection

1 Idea From Me

If you’re delivering criticism to your spouse, make sure you do it in a loving, grace-filled way so that they will hear the heart behind what you’re saying.

1 Challenge to Try

Ask God to help you view your spouse as perfectly created by Him and to cherish their unique mind, body and spirit.

1 Thing I Recommend

I love YouVersion and all the work they do to share Scripture. I am honored to be teaching the Guided Scripture there today. In it, I shared about a tough time when I needed others to help carry my burden. Watch the scripture teaching on our YouVersion Partner page, and follow Awesome Marriage’s page there to see all of our marriage-building Bible plans. When you hit “follow” on the page it helps more couples find our YouVersion Plans so please do me a quick favor and hit that “follow” today 😁


1 Question For You

Are you acting on the good ideas you have toward your spouse and saying the good things you think about them?

P.S. Signs you may have a superficial connection in marriage…

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