The Quiz – 2


The recap of the Awesome Marriage Quiz revealed that only 30 percent of you said you regularly pray together. The rest said seldom, if ever.

Over the almost five years of Awesome Marriage, I cannot even count how many times I have talked about the importance of a couple regularly praying together. I also know that it seems to be the most difficult thing for couples to do consistently. When I talk with couples about praying together, they always agree that it is important and that they will begin. Yet most of them come back a week later having prayed together only once or not at all! What happened to them, and what happens to you?

The bottom line is that married couples are fighting a spiritual battle. The enemy knows that if you pray together every day, he gets shut out; and if he is shut out, your marriage will begin to become more of what God wants it to be—and the enemy hates that.

I think I have heard every excuse there is as to why a couple does not pray together—kids, TV, work, exhaustion, and so on. Remember, you will always be able to find an excuse; but the excuse will never ever grow your marriage.

This is my challenge for you and your spouse: Commit to pray together every day for thirty days. If your marriage is not better after thirty days, then you can quit. You can pray out loud or silently; you can write out your prayers; you can pray the Lord’s Prayer; yIt doesn’t matter how you pray—just pray! If you take the challenge and follow through every day for thirty days, I won’t worry at all about you quitting. If you show up, I can guarantee you God will show up. Ready to try it?

Dr. Kim

There are great tips for praying together in Dr. Kim’s new book, 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage.