The "Hot Seat" with Dr. Kim

Question: "How do you help your spouse to be more patient?

Dr. Kim: In two words "You Don't".  Now before you give up, let me share some things with you.  In a marriage it is the job of the husband to be the husband God wants him to be and the wife to be the wife He wants her to be.  So the job of change belongs to the Holy Spirit.

AND if I am seeking to be the husband God wants me to be, I will be more patient with Nancy as He builds that in me.  

One other thing.  You as a spouse can set an example by being patient.  My obedience each day is to God.  If Nancy is impatient with me and I in turn am impatient with her, I am not responding in a way that honors God.  My job is obedience to Him. Period.  Is it easy, no - but God is always there to help me.  I just have to ask.