Sex in Marriage: Baggage Day 4


We have been talking about the "sexual baggage" we all bring into marriage.  Our sexual past has affected us.  I talked about the experiences that colored the way Nancy and I both looked at sex heading into marriage.  Today I want to ask you a series of questions about your sex education.  If you are engaged or married, you can share your answers with each other.  If you are single, write your answers down to share later with your future mate.

  • Where did you learn about sex? Parents, peers, school, church, or other.

  • What were some of the questions you had about sex as you were growing up?

  • Was there someone that you felt comfortable with asking your questions about sex? Who was that? Looking back, did they give you good counsel?

  • What events and attitudes from your past have affected your sexual behavior and attitudes?

  • On a scale of 1 to 10 (!0 being the best), how important should the sexual relationship be in marriage?

  • What do you look most forward to in a sexual relationship in marriage?

Share with us any answers you are comfortable sharing.

Dr. Kim