The Love Potion: Evil vs. Truth

In this new series we look at one of the chapters in Dr. Kim's book "7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage": The Love Potion. You may order your copy of the book here.


Evil vs. Truth: An Age Old Struggle. 

Evil destroys while truth heals. Which should we put in our love potion? It really almost seems like a silly question, doesn’t it? What purpose could evil have in a marriage? What good could come of evil in a marriage? There is no need to answer such obvious questions. Yet, far too often, evil creeps in. It may start with a lie or something deceitful. It could be flirting or getting too close to someone of the opposite sex. It usually begins with a baby step but, if left unchecked, it can devastate a marriage.

What are some of the evils you see creep into marriages? Are there evils you have let into your marriage? Are you ready to do whatever it takes to get them out of your marriage for good? Will you commit to that today?

Check evil at the door of your marriage.

Dr. Kim