Margin in Your Marriage (Part 1 in the Series)


Dave Ramsey has helped many people change the way they handle their finances. People in debt have become debt-free. People who never planned financially now plan. Dave talks about creating margin in our finances. To me this means that there is a lot more money coming in than going out. There is extra for giving, saving, and purchasing with cash. Creating margin in our finances reduces stress and helps us be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us.

What about creating margin in our marriages? We all know that marriage can be stressful. All of us can get into ruts and negative cycles, and over time these can severely damage or even destroy a marriage. How would creating margin in marriage allow us to free ourselves from those harmful patterns and attitudes?

Let me give you an example. Suppose your spouse is always late and every time they are late, you respond with a negative comment: “You are always late.” “Can’t you ever be on time?” “I am tired of waiting on you.” Creating margin in this situation begins with you. Instead of fuming because they are late, you think of all the things your spouse has to do and have empathy for them. Instead of attacking them when they show up late, you greet them with a hug and tell them how glad you are to see them. Instead of pouting, you set aside their lateness and focus on enjoying the time you have together. Maintaining a positive attitude creates margin in your marriage and leads to adding balance to your relationship.

In my new book, 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage, you will learn how to create margin and practical ways to have the marriage that God designed for you.