Insights from Dr. Kim: That Other One Thing

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Most of you know about our One Thing emails that go to over 100,000 people every day Monday through Friday. There are also our One Thing podcast on iTunes and One Thing videos on the Awesome Marriage YouTube channel. Now you can also have One Thing sent to you every day through text message. If you are not currently subscribed to our One Thing, I would love for you to join the rest of us in focusing on one thing that we can do each day to improve our marriage. The feedback we get truly amazes me as marriages are literally changed by adding one thing to your daily routine. Being intentional every day will give you the awesome marriage you always wanted.  

The emails, podcasts, videos, and text messages all focus on doing one thing that’s good for your marriage daily. What if today you took time to look honestly at your marriage and identify something in your marriage that is not good? It may be a new problem or one that has been there for a long time. Something that keeps your marriage from being everything that God designed it to be. Let me ask you this: Why is that one thing still there? Why has it not been addressed to the point that it no longer hinders your marriage? What would it take to completely eradicate it from your marriage?  

So many couples I see in counseling have something in their marriage that is causing harm. It could be an attitude or an issue that has been unresolved for a very long time. Maybe it is a habit - or habits - that one or both of you have fallen into. Whatever it is, this is what I would like to see you do:

  • Together, identify the one thing that is a problem in your marriage

  • Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance

  • Brainstorm ways to get that one thing out of your marriage

  • Write out your next steps

  • Decide who needs to do what

  • Take action

  • Once you have conquered the problem, celebrate your success!

Don’t miss out on Dr. Kim’s newest book! Click to order 14 Keys to Lasting Love, and Dr. Kim’s bestseller 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage!