A Gift from God

Marriage is a gift from God.  My spouse is a gift from God.  In my marriage I have two major choices.  One is that I can work hard to make this the best marriage possible. The other option is to really screw it up.  I guess there is a third option and that would be to just coast through marriage neither doing great damage to it nor nurturing it. (I really think that is screwing it up too - just in a different way).

Let’s go back to the second sentence in this blog - “My spouse is a gift from God”.  Think about that.  Do you believe that is true?  If you do not now, did you at one time?  What in the world happened?  Here is the fact: YOUR SPOUSE IS A GIFT FROM GOD.  Don’t ever lose sight of that truth.  Each day thank God for your spouse and ask God to guide you that day as a husband or a wife.  Pray to see your spouse each day through God’s eyes.  Cherish your spouse.  It’s your job.

Dr. Kim