Protecting Your Marriage: Watch What You Post

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Let’s start this blog off with a question. When you post something to social media about your spouse or your marriage, what is your motive?

Most of us like to post pictures of what we are doing, or of our kids doing something cute. Most of our posts are fun and harmless but have you ever read a post or looked at a posted picture and thought, “ouch, that might hurt”? Maybe the post was about another person’s husband or wife that did some amazing thing for their spouse and the comment went something like this, “I wish my spouse would do something nice for me.” Maybe someone has been working out really hard, is a little too proud of their results, and posts a picture that shows too much. Sometimes we see posts where the person is seeking attention in the wrong way by what they say.  

In each of these examples, how is the spouse affected? How do they feel about the post? What does it do to a marriage? The bottom line is that watching what you post is very important. Social media is not the forum for spouse bashing, airing dirty laundry, or posting anything inappropriate. One of the reasons we choose social media to be a major platform for Awesome Marriage was because it is a place with lots of people who want good marriages. We use social media to encourage couples in their marriages and to give them helpful advice. What if all of us did the same? What if all our posts reflected what we would like our spouse to post about us?  Wouldn’t it make a difference if all of us were a little more careful when we are posting about our spouse and our marriage?