Questions For Dr. Kim

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One of your recent questions asked how marriages work when men and women have such different “feelings” about sex.  That is a great question and one that goes through the minds of many of us.  Here is my experience.  God made us different as man and woman.  We are not just physically different but different in many other ways, sex being one of them.  Those differences are not an accident.  We are different by design and we can either embrace our differences of reject them.  If we embrace them, we can see their value.  In the sexual relationship, we are to learn from each other.  For example, wives are usually more relational than their husbands and so there is much for a husband to learn in this area.  A healthy sexual relationship in marriage consists of both the husband and the wife giving unselfishly to each other.  It is sharing with each other what you like and do not like.  It is taking time with the sexual relationship.  It is communication at one of its deepest levels.

Dr. Kim