Love Is Cherishing

It’s funny how a song can influence us. Some influence us for good and others not so much. When Nancy and I were in college there was a song that she really liked:“Cherish” by The Association. We listened to it together a lot. 

The other day while we were driving, listening to “‘60s on Six” on Sirius/XM, guess what song came on? “Cherish.” We sang along together and never missed a word. Later it got me thinking of how that song really impacted me. The lyrics said what was in my heart for Nancy. I wanted that in a relationship and she did too. 

There is something special about cherishing someone and wanting to be cherished by them in return. It conveys gentleness, kindness, and peacefulness. Here are a few of the lyrics:

Cherish is the word I use to describe

All the feeling that I have

Hiding here for you inside

You don't know how many times

I've wished that I had told you

You don't know how many times

I've wished that I could hold you

You don't know how many times

I've wished that I could

Mold you into someone who could

Cherish me as much as I cherish you

Maybe God used the song in our relationship. He can use anything you know! 

At the very least, the song planted the word “cherish” in my mind. Cherishing is a mindset that is fulfilled in words, actions, and behaviors. It is being eternally grateful for the gift of your spouse. When God puts two people together in marriage, we are to embrace that gift. We are also accountable to Him for how we handle that gift.   

Here are some ways to cherish each other:

  • See your spouse as a gift from God. Don’t ever lose sight of that. 

  • Each day thank God for your gift and ask Him to guide you in your role as a husband or wife. 

  • Pray each day to see your spouse through God’s eyes. 

  • When you feel your spouse cherishes you, thank them.

  • Let your spouse know how much he or she means to you with your words and your actions.

  • Surprise each other with something special at unexpected moments.

  • Say “I love you” to each other every day.

Overtime With Nancy:

Kim: I would say I cherish you by being gentle with you, listening to you, letting you know how thankful I am, and my actions. 

Nancy: I cherish you by just being there for you. Knowing that I want to spend time with you. I want to listen to you and share with you. I want to provide and serve you. I have to stop sometimes and think about what I’m doing sometimes to make sure I’m continuing to do things to cherish you and make sure you’re secure in knowing that I do cherish you daily. 

For You:

Maybe “cherishing” is a new thought for you about your marriage. 

  • If it is, do you see value in building this in your marriage? 

  • What is your first step?

Maybe you already see it in your marriage today, but you have never put a label on it before. 

  • How can you cherish your spouse intentionally each day?