Insights from Dr. Kim: Would You Rather? Part 2

Insights from Dr. Kim_ Would You Rather_ Part 1 (1).png

Let’s start with a few WYRs for you to answer from the book 3000 Would You Rather Questions.

  • WYR own the real Delorean or Batmobile? (That’s probably a guy WYR.)

  • WYR be stuck in an elevator or on a Ferris wheel for 24 hours?

  • WYR take a guaranteed $100,000 or compete in a spelling bee for a chance to win $100,000,000?

  • WYR erase your past or change it?

Let’s look at that last one. After counseling couples for over thirty years, I can say with confidence that everyone brings baggage into marriage. Some of us have more suitcases full of baggage than we can carry and some of us have just a handbag full BUT we all have baggage. The interesting thing about this WYR is that in reality we can neither erase or change our past. We are stuck with it and the more we try to ignore it or act like it is not there, the worse things become. Yet, there is hope. There is a way out! We can change and break cycles and learn from our mistakes. 

If you brought anything from your past into your marriage that you know is affecting you today, you can do something about it. It could be bad self image, addiction, or an emotional wound that never healed. The question is not what baggage did you bring into your marriage. The question is what have you done with that baggage?

Never forget that God has a plan for your life and for your marriage. He has the answers for your baggage that you will never have on your own. Whether you see your baggage as a mountain of suitcases or just one bag, today is the day to unpack and let God begin the healing. Do you need to talk to your spouse, a friend, a pastor or a Christian counselor? There are people God will use to walk you through this. Your new baggage-free life can begin today! All you have to do is take the first step. 

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