Why Get Married? The Health Benefits of Marriage | Ep. 631

Did you know that marriage can be good for you? Marriage is not always viewed as the gift from God that it actually is, but He has designed this relationship to provide some *amazing* benefits to both spouses. 

Today Dr. Kim is sharing several of the ways a healthy marriage supports health and wellness for you, your spouse and your family. Tune in to learn more! 

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include:  

  • The benefits of a good marriage for mental and physical health

  • Health effects on kids and families

  • The damaging effects of loneliness - even in marriage 

  • Steps you can take to combat loneliness 

  • Hidden benefits of the process of working on things you need to work on 

Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide!

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “There’s all kinds of incentives to work on your marriage, and this is one of them: If you have a healthy marriage, you have a healthier, longer life.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “We hear about so much depression; so much anxiety. Everybody’s under stress. Marriage can help your mental health.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “I was out of my comfort zone, and any time you do that is uncomfortable, but on the other side there might be something really helpful.” - Lindsay Few