The B Word- How to Keep Money from Messing Up Your Marriage | Ep. 29

Budgets intimidate a lot of people but a budget done well actually gives you more freedom and more unity in a marriage. Today on the podcast Nils Smith, Christina Dodson, and Dr. Kim talk about budgeting and why it’s so important to a marriage.

They share real life how-tos when it comes to budgeting and ways to make it work in a marriage.

Tune in to learn more about how to keep money from messing up your marriage!

*For better listening quality you can listen directly on iTunes. 


Some of the budget tools we discussed today:

Next Step Resource


If money is a source of conflict in your marriage or if you just want to learn how to better manage money as a couple then this FREE course is for you. This course covers The 4 Budgeting Mistakes Most People Make and How to Fix them to Achieve Their Money Goals Faster.