Marriage Musts When You Have Babies and Toddlers | Ep. 249


Are your littles draining your marriage? Each season of life comes with it’s own unique challenges. And many times as life’s demands change, our marriage goes to the wayside. We want to help you be intentional with your marriage and learn good, practical tips for keeping your marriage strong and thriving in EVERY season of life. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about marriage musts when you have babies and toddlers.

Tune in to learn more about how to keep your marriage awesome even in the years with littles!


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Is conflict draining your marriage? Get Dr. Kim’s latest ebook Creating A Dream Marriage Part 4 - Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. In this short mini-book, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.