Love Your Spouse...As You Love Yourself? with Bryan Crum | Ep. 623

Most of us deal with self doubt, regret, and feelings of not measuring up. But learning to love ourselves properly means learning to see ourselves as God does, and it allows us to love others more freely and graciously. 

Today, Bryan Crum will help you step away from nagging self doubts and into a solid biblical perspective. Give your marriage the gift of seeing yourself and your spouse through God’s eyes.

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include:  

  • Unexpected lessons learned from people who are facing their mortality 

  • Why is it hard to accept loving and valuing ourselves properly? 

  • Rewriting negative messages we’ve learned 

  • Ideas to break away from self-doubt 

  • Why relationships are needed to help us learn to love ourselves 

 *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “I’m on a mission to help people fall in love with God’s greatest creation; and that’s us.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “We all want to know our time on this earth means something.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “I’ve discovered 2 truths about living: 1. We’re priceless. 2. For some reason, we’ve forgotten that truth.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “We interact with people every day but we don’t always treat them like they are valuable.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “When we acknowledge the truth of what we’re worth, we’re acknowledging a truth heaven knows well.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “The first step is to stop comparing ourselves to each other.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “There's power in giving each other the benefit of the doubt.”   - Bryan Crum 

  • “Giving each other grace is a small step that covers a lot of distance.” - Bryan Crum 

  • “Marriage is promising each other that we’re all-in. We’ve got to make the conscious choice to say, ‘I’m still here.’”  - Bryan Crum