Learning to Work as a Team | Ep. 566

We talk to a lot of couples who don't know what makes them a great team. And if you don’t know what makes you a great team, how can you operate as one? All too often, opposites attract and it takes intentionality to tap into all that God has for you in the gift of your marriage. So today we’re talking about leaning into what makes you a uniquely gifted team in your marriage, and resolving the tension that comes from the ways we differ from our spouse. 

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • What are the common issues that keep couples from being a strong team? 

  • Dr. Kim gives great ideas of creative solutions to issues 

  • How to combat the competition that sometimes creeps into marriage

  • We share ways we’ve personally done this in our marriages 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here