How to Have A Better Marriage in the Second Half Than Before | Ep. 660

Your marriage doesn’t have to grow old just because you do. The second half of marriage does not have to grow stale - make plans to make these your best years yet! Listen today to learn how. 

Whether you’re looking ahead to the second half of marriage, or you’re already there, it is a great time to improve and grow. In today’s episode, Dr. Kim shares tips to avoiding complacency and embracing the best version of your marriage in the second half. 

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • How to jumpstart marriage growth if you’ve gotten complacent 

  • Practical steps to do the second half of marriage well - no matter where you are today 

  • Tips to bring back the fun and passion later in marriage

  • Simple conversation starters to help you get going 

  • How to find a mentor couple to help your marriage 

Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email for quick weekly marriage tips!

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here

Couples Conversation Guide: 

Main takeaway: The second half of marriage does not have to grow stale - evaluate where you’d like to see your marriage go from here, then take the steps to get there. 

Questions to Discuss: 

  1. What do you envision for your marriage in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20? 

  2. What is one thing you can start doing today to move you toward that vision? 

  3. What is one thing you need to stop doing today to move in that direction? 


  • If your marriage has been teetering, it can fall at this stage. - Lindsay Few

  • Nothing is worse than feeling lonely when your spouse is with you. - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • We’d seen couples who were older than us disconnect. We didn’t want that to happen.  - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • It’s never too late. But the earlier you start, the easier the transition will be. - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • If you’re one step ahead, you can help somebody. - Lindsay Few