God's Design for Sex: Why Does A Gospel View of Sex Matter? with Joshua Ryan Butler | Ep. 579

We’re so used to seeing sex allll around us - skin sells, after all! But today, Joshua Ryan Butler shows us that we are still likely to miss so much of what sex is designed to show us.

Sex is everywhere – except being talked about by the married couples who are (hopefully!) having it, and the churches and families who desperately need a robust theology of God’s purpose for sex and sexuality. 

Today’s episode takes a look at why sex is so much more than right / wrong or rules, and why that truth is incredibly freeing. Tune in to learn more. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • Why does it matter what we believe about God’s purpose for sex? 

  • How to unpack the tension between what culture says vs church says about sex 

  • Why a better relationship with God leads to better sex in your marriage (and a better marriage in general!) 

  • Specifically why our male / female differences are so valuable 

  • The shift from rule-keeping to image-bearing and what it means for our lives 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here