Emotional Infidelity: The Warning Signs | Ep. 260


When it comes to an emotional affair, do you know the warning signs? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about emotional infidelity and trust issues.

Today Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about emotional infidelity and the warning signs of it. Emotional affairs are everywhere and they are, unfortunately, very easy to slip into. So we have to be careful to guard our marriage from any kind of affair, including one that never gets physical. The reality is, we are ALL at risk of having an emotional affair and we should all be putting up safeguards to protect our marriage from the damage of an emotional affair.


List of Warning Signs You Might Be Having An Emotional Affair:

  • If you daydream about someone of the opposite sex

  • If you compare someone of the opposite sex to your spouse often

  • If you have ever thought of someone of the opposite sex sexually and if you begin to think of them in this way regularly

  • If you are saving topics of conversation for somebody other than your spouse because, in your mind, they understand you better

  • If you are sharing intimate details about your marriage with someone of the opposite sex

  • If you look forward to seeing the other person more than your spouse

  • You’re doing things or saying things with this other person that you wouldn’t want your spouse to see

  • You’re keeping things from your spouse

  • You dress to impress this other person

  • You look for opportunities to get away from your spouse and spend time with this other person

  • You delete messages from this other person so your spouse won’t see

  • Not being content and accepting of your spouse

  • You take selfies of yourself and send it this other person

  • You post pictures of yourself online because you know this other person will see them and like them


  • Thank you to SYMBIS for sponsoring this podcast episode! SYMBIS stands for Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, the title of my good friends Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott’s book, and used by more than a million couples. And the SYMBIS Assessment is like nothing you’ve seen before. Dr. Kim uses it with every premarital couple that he counsels. So if you are a pastor, counselor, coach, or even marriage mentors, you won’t want to miss out on this incredible tool. Go to SYMBIS.com to learn more. You’ll be glad you did!


“If you are going outside your marriage to get something that God designed for you to have inside marriage then that’s an emotional affair and it is a sin.” - Dr. Kim

“When I am struggling with something I lean into God. He knows me better than anyone else.” - Dr. Kim

“When you do things God’s way it works, when you do it the world’s way it doesn’t.” - Dr. Kim

“If you have any of these warning signs with someone the opposite sex then you might have to unfriend them in every single way to protect your marriage from an emotional and/or physical affair.” - Dr. Kim

Has your marriage has been affected by infidelity? We believe deeply that you can heal from it, and even build a better marriage than you ever had before! We want to help you heal which is why we’ve created
the Online Affair Recovery Course to help you on your healing journey. As our friend, you can use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for 10% off this course.

It’s not easy, but you are not alone, and your marriage is worth saving.

Here are the topics covered in the Online Affair Recovery Course:

  • Stages of Grief & How To Manage the Pain by Cindy Beall

  • Forgiveness is An Alone Game, But Reconciliation Takes 2 by Jami & Mark Nato

  • Common Mistakes in Affair Recovery and How to Avoid Them by Linda MacDonald

  • Learning to Trust Your Spouse After Infidelity by Stephanie & Tim Broersma

  • How to Tell Your Kids and Navigating Those Waters by Rick Bulman

  • The Agony and The Ecstasy of Sexual Intimacy After an Affair by Stephen Arterburn

  • First Steps To Healing From Porn Discovery by Bonny Burns

  • Ways To Affair Proof Your Marriage Moving Forward by Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • Understanding the Heart of Marriage After an Affair, Divorce and a Restored Marriage by Cheryl & Jeff Scruggs

  • Finding Your Identity After Marital Betrayal by Stephanie Broersma

  • FAQ: Answering Your Specific Questions by Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • You’re Not Done Yet by Dr. Kim Kimberling

Take your next step in healing your marriage after an affair by getting the course today!