Do Christians Have to Stay Married, No Matter What? | Ep. 540

Today Dr. Kim answers the question, “Do Christians have to stay married, no matter what?” We have heard from several listeners who are in difficult, painful and even abusive marriages. Some said their spouse takes advantage of knowing they will continue to stay as a rationale for continuing harmful patterns.

This topic is complicated and nuanced, but there are some clear biblical principles about marriage that can help to navigate a response to these painful situations. Listen to learn more. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • Does Scripture support staying with a spouse no matter what 

  • Dr. Kim shares why and how he recommends separation

  • Advice to a spouse whose abuser has been enabled by a church or pastor 

  • What a loving marriage looks like, just so no one has to wonder! 

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • We mentioned some Scriptures in the episode that reveal God’s heart for the marriage relationship and his standard of love. This is only a very short partial list.