Marriage Multiplier: On Comparisons, Experiences, and Flaws.

1 Idea From Me

When we compare, we tend to forget that most people are showing us their best side - their highlight reel. Don’t compare your spouse or your marriage to anyone else’s.

1 Marriage Challenge To Accomplish This Week

Try something new with your spouse this week. Is there an activity you’ve been meaning to try? A new restaurant you could check out? Have a new experience together.

1 Resource I Want To Highlight

7 Common Communication Mistakes Webinar

Whether you’re dealing with major miscommunication or if your marriage communication could just use a few helpful tips, this free class will teach you how to avoid the most common communication mistakes couples make in marriage.


1 Marriage Question

What do you miss when you focus on your spouse’s flaws?

P.S.  She’s my Boo Thang!

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