Marriage Multiplier: On Being Humble, Learning to “Resist,” and Building Your Marriage

1 Idea From Me

If you’re stuck on something in your marriage, pray about it. Ask God’s wisdom. Really lean on Him. God wants healthy marriages and healthy relationships, so he’s gonna show up. (More on this below!) 

1 Challenge to Try

Read 1 Peter 5:8. How can you “resist him” today?

1 Thing I Recommend

Prayer is the BEST thing you can do for your marriage. For me and Nancy, God always shows up when we’re stuck and we ask for His help

Yet it can be hard to know where to start or what to pray. Pray these 21 prayers over your marriage and watch God work.

We know God will move mightily to help you grow closer and more in love than ever before.


1 Question For You

How does your life today differ from what you dreamed of as a kid? How is it similar?

P.S. Do you agree with this goal for marriage?

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