Marriage Multiplier: On What Your Spouse Says, Reminiscing Together, and Improving Your Sex Life.

1 Idea From Me

You want your spouse to be able to say, “my spouse does things that make me feel loved.” Learn about what makes them feel loved and then do it consistently.

1 Marriage Challenge To Accomplish This Week

Look through old photos together and pick your favorite photo from every year you've been together.

1 Resource I Want To Highlight

Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half 

 I co-wrote Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half with Nancy, and in this book we share an up-close look at what has helped our marriage thrive for over 53 years. 

The world tells us that marriage gets boring over time, but that does not have to be the case. In this book, Nancy and I share ways to continue growing the love, intimacy and sex through the second half of your marriage. 

Preorder Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half  HERE and use CODE AWESOMEMARRIAGE for $5 off when you do! 


1 Marriage Question

What is a prayer you want answered in your marriage?

P.S.    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

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