Marriage Multiplier: A new perspective of our dreams, a fun research project, and a little appreciation.
1 Idea From Me
My dreams may be great, but it may not be God’s best for us. When we bring our dreams to Him, He can change the focus, the feelings, and the future.
1 Marriage Challenge To Accomplish This Week
Do some research and find a new book, magazine, or TV series you think your spouse will like then tell them about it.
1 Resource I Want To Highlight
Are you ready to engage with God’s word together? This 2-week challenge is made to be simple enough that you can accomplish each day’s challenge in 15 minutes or less. The goal is to commune with God, to build habits around engaging with scripture, and to connect spiritually with each other.
1 Marriage Question
What is one way you think God wants to grow your marriage this year?