Marriage Multiplier: On God’s positioning, Being Outside, and a Marriage Bundle.

1 Idea From Me

Most of us know things about our spouse that nobody else knows. God puts us in a position to know those things and to come alongside our spouse and help them, not to use it against them.

1 Marriage Challenge To Accomplish This Week

Do something together outside today.

1 Resource I Want To Highlight

21 Day Bundle for Husbands and Wives

21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge AND 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge 

This is one bundle you don’t want to miss! Ladies, you’ll be encouraged to uplift your husband, be a source of light in your home, be a wife that honors her husband, and be obedient to God. Husbands, your challenge will be to cherish your wife, appreciate her well, and be a Godly leader in your home. 

What a blessing it will be to your marriage to intentionally come alongside your spouse and lift them up when life gets messy.


1 Marriage Question

What is it like to be married to you?

P.S. Did I hear what I think I heard?

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