Marriage Multiplier: Tell your spouse THIS today
Don’t miss Sexy Bingo in the Weekend Marriage Challenge!
1 Idea From Me
Spending leisure time on devices means we miss out on interacting with those around us, and often, that’s our spouse.
1 Challenge to Try
Spend 5 minutes today prayerfully thinking about how God has grown your marriage in the last few months. Then tell your spouse about the growth you've seen and celebrate together!
Has Marriage Multiplier helped grow your marriage?
If you answered yes, please take a second to reply and tell me how your marriage has grown. I would be so grateful! Hearing your marriage wins are truly the highlight of my day and it encourages Nancy, myself, and the whole Awesome Marriage team. Will you take a moment to bless us by sharing how God is using this ministry to help your marriage?
1 Thing I Recommend
Take 1 weekend to intentionally invest in your marriage. We have it all mapped out for you!
Did I mention that includes our brand new bedroom game, Sexy Bingo?