Marriage Multiplier: Try something new with your spouse.

1 Idea From Me

I don’t think God wants you to just not get divorced. He wants you to love and serve your spouse.

1 Challenge to Try

Try something new with your spouse this week. Is there an activity you’ve been meaning to try? A new restaurant you could check out? Have a new experience together.

1 Thing I Recommend

Do you need to spring clean your budget? Getting financially educated is one of the best investments you can make. Our friends Dan and Kay from Centsei make it easy with their newest ebook, 

10 Cheat Sheets To Navigating Money As A Couple: The Ultimate Guide To Marriage and Money. Grab it for FREE now!


1 Question For You

When was the last time you and your spouse made out? If it’s been a while and you need a little jumpstart in that department, this month’s resource can help! Check out our Locking Lips Kissing Game.

P.S. Don’t let inattention wreck your marriage.

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