Marriage Multiplier: Where are you tempted?

1 Idea From Me

If you are seeking to grow your marriage, whether you have 5 minutes, 30 minutes or 3 hours, make it the best quality time that you can.

**If you’re looking to add fun to your dates, check out my Playful Date Design Bundle

1 Challenge to Try

Write down the first 10 words you think when you think about your spouse. Then about your marriage. Look at the words you wrote. Are they fair? True? Helpful?

1 Thing I Recommend

Love Your Way Through Conflict

The goal of your marriage should not be to never have any conflict. Conflict in and of itself isn’t bad; it's the way you handle it that matters most. Having healthy conflict means you both have the freedom to have different opinions and thoughts, and that’s a marriage you want and one worth striving for.


1 Question For You

Where are you most tempted to hide your true thoughts and feelings?

P.S. Before you make assumptions, watch THIS!

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