If I am God-dependent...


This week in the Dispatch:

  • A review of Kill the Spider by Carlos Whittaker 

  • The Awesome Marriage Podcast returns from our 2-week summer break!

  • In this week’s Insights, we will look at “a diluted faith”

  • Two challenges to help you fight back

  • A Final Thought that may change the direction of your life


Kill The Spider by Carlos Whittaker

Nobody ever said following Jesus would be easy. As we try to live for Christ, we seem to keep old habits and behaviors close at hand. We pray and ask for God's help and say we will do better. In fact, we can spend a lot of time trying to do better. In Kill the Spider, Carlos Whittaker shares openly, honestly, and humorously of his struggle to stop sinning and to be a better person only to get caught up in destructive habits, behaviors, and thought patterns over and over again. He spent years attacking the “cobwebs” while never getting to the “spider.” We can all do that. We keep trying to do better and never get to the root of the problem. The cobwebs are the “medicators that bring false comfort to a lie.” Killing the spider or spiders in our lives comes from knocking out the deep-rooted habits and issues. It is taking the lies we have believed to be true and letting God replace them with His truth. Yes, we all have cobwebs and spiders in our lives but more importantly, we have a God who makes everything possible. This is one of those rare books that can truly make a difference in your life.


The Awesome Marriage Podcast is back this week from our mid-summer break. This week's topic is “So You Want Your Husband To Lead Spiritually.” This question is probably in the top 5 questions and comments that we get at Awesome Marriage. In this podcast, we provide some helpful insight into what to do when you are in this position. We talk about what is and isn’t your responsibility as a wife. We also share some helpful things to do to encourage your husband and also some UNhelpful things to avoid doing. Don’t worry ladies, next week’s podcast puts the spotlight on husbands!


I write the Dispatch on Monday mornings. Usually I have a number of ideas floating around in my mind that I want to write on. This past Monday morning was different. I had nothing. So I went to Google! I searched for the “biggest issues facing Christians today in America and first world countries.” Now I had a new problem, which of the top ten would I write on?  

I chose “a diluted faith.” First let’s define what that even means. To dilute means to make weaker or to thin down. So, with my faith that’s when I let worldviews collide with my faith beliefs in such a way that the worldviews win. It’s when I put more emphasis on what my culture says is okay than what God says is okay. It’s choosing man’s view of truth over God’s view of truth. It’s putting myself first all the time. 

Here is an interesting quote from William Booth, who founded the Salvation Army in the late 1800s. As the year 1900 approached, marking the beginning of a new century, a reporter asked Booth, “What are the chief dangers we will encounter in this new century?” Booth responded, “I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be: Religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, politics without God, and Heaven without Hell.” I have no idea how the people of Booth’s time took that prediction but looking back from today, he nailed it! Author Daniel Sweet, responding to that quote, says American Christianity is already there: “In a society in which there are no absolutes and every individual is a free agent, we are taught to be self-reliant and independent. Christianity is no longer the automatic, default faith of young adults.” 

Diluted faith seems to be a big part of our lives today. So what does that mean for you and me? This is my take. It is like being in a small boat in the middle of the ocean and discovering that your boat has no rudder. If I have let myself become self-dependent instead of God-dependent, I am in trouble. I am helpless. Yet, if I am God-dependent, everything changes. I am not alone in the boat, for God is with me. I am not without hope because God always has answers. God was not surprised when I got into this predicament. God has resources to rescue me from sending some of His angels to sending a passing freighter. Now, the end result of this situation may be the same. I may die on the boat, but I believe there is a huge difference in dying on my own and dying with God at my side.  

Your faith and mine do not have to be diluted. It is really our choice. Sure, we will continue to be bombarded with worldviews that challenge our faith, but we can keep our eyes on God. Do you realize how often the views from the world change? Compare that with the ways of God that have never changed. I’ve decided to keep up my fight against a diluted faith and to keep my eyes on God and who He is. What about you? Are you fighting? Where are your eyes focused today?


  • What is one way you see that “diluted faith” has affected you?

  • Of the five predictions from William Booth, which one have you let dilute your faith?

Final Thought

How hard are you willing to fight to keep God’s plan for your life as your top priority? Give yourself three action steps and then follow through!

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