I firmly believe this


This week in the Dispatch:

  • An inside look at the story behind the “swoosh.” 

  • As the AM podcast takes two weeks off, two podcasts I think you will like.

  • In this week’s Insights, I look at how I almost missed what God was doing. 

  • Your challenge this week is two parts, one for the husband and one for the wife.

  • The final thought is about God’s plan for you!


Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

In deciding what book to share with you this week, I went back to some books that I read in the past two years. One of my favorites was Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. Phil was a runner with a problem. He wanted a great running shoe. As a runner, when I want a good running shoe, I go to the running shoe store. Phil Knight at age 24 decided to start a shoe company. He began importing Japanese-made shoes and selling them out of the trunk of his car at track meets. The story of Nike is fascinating, including everything from Phil’s management style to the legal and financial difficulties he faced. Whether you are a Nike fan or not, this is a great read. Do you know the first name of the company? Do you know where the “swoosh” came from? Sure you could Google the answers but It would be more fun to read this book!

Dr. Kim’s Rating: 9/10. Shoe Dog is one of those “only in America” stories that we love to hear about. 


The Awesome Marriage Podcast is taking our annual two-week summer break. While we are off, here are a couple of podcasts that are on my regular list.  

  • Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favorite authors and speakers. His podcast “Revisionist History” is always interesting and informative. It comes out once a month with a few bonus episodes.  

  • My pastor Craig Groeschel is an amazing leader. His monthly “Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast” is great. Craig is succinct and to the point. No fluff and it always gives me ideas and next steps. It comes out the first Thursday of every month and also has a few bonus episodes each year.  


Have you ever had an idea that seemed too good to be true? An idea that seemed to come straight from God? It was the answer to a problem or something that you just knew would make a difference in the world at large or in your world. You were ecstatic. 

A few years back at the height of the #METOO movement, I had this great idea. I was sitting at a college baseball game and it came to me. What if men somehow affirmed women by encouraging them and vowing to never cross lines that would devalue, objectify, or dishonor them in any way? I opened Notes on my iPhone and started writing down ideas. It was a series of vows that men could take and promise to keep forever:

  • I will not dishonor my marriage with pornography.

  • I will not dishonor my wife by looking at pornography or other women.

  • I will not devalue, objectify, or dishonor women in any way.

  • I will not dishonor my God and His incredible plan for marriage by being unfaithful to my wife in any way.l

  • With God’s help each day, I will not give in to the temptations that would take me away from my marriage!

The movement would be known as #NOTME. The rhetoric could be something like, “Other men may make choices that hurt their marriage and their spouse but not me!

I was going through some files last week and came across the banner we used in the #NOTME campaign. I had great hopes and dreams that it would catch fire and spread across the globe. It didn’t. Not only did it never catch fire, it never even got warm! What happened? Did I hear God wrong? Did I get ahead of Him? I asked so many questions and this is what I learned:

  • I took those vows back then and with God’s help have remained faithful to them.

  • I know there were other men (not many but some) who did the same.

  • If God gave me that idea and it was only meant for one particular person and that person made those vows and it changed their life and marriage, then it was worth it.

  • God’s view of success and my view of success can be miles apart.

  • I reaffirmed those vows today.

Looking back, I believe the whole #NOTME idea really was from God. I think I did what He wanted me to do. The problem was me, not God. I was looking for a spreading fire and God was looking for a flame to ignite the hearts of a few men. With His help, “mission accomplished.”


  • Guys, would you be willing to take the #NOTME vows and commit to a lifetime of honoring your wife?

  • Ladies, would you be willing to pray for and encourage your husband as he seeks to honor you?

Final Thought

What is God leading you to do? I firmly believe that He always has a plan for each of us. Would you pray for God to lead you in accomplishing exactly what Her has planned for you to do?

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