As much as I "love" these words, carrying them out day after day can be difficult


This week I am expanding the Dispatch and adding something new. I read a lot. Actually, I listen a lot. Most of what I read is through Audible. My goal this year is a book a week and I am almost on track. In each week's Dispatch, I will share something I have recently come across and my thoughts on it. Then I will also add anything that I find interesting that I think you might be interested in too. I hope you enjoy this added content.


iGen is one of the most well-written and informative books I have read. iGen is the generation born between 1995 and around 2012. Dr. Jean M. Twenge shares her findings through surveys of 11 million iGen young people. She also did many in-depth interviews with them. They are the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. Technology makes them different as does the way they spend their time, how they behave, and their attitudes towards religion, sexuality, and politics. They are also growing up more slowly than previous generations. If we are to reach this generation, we have to understand them. iGen helps us do that. If this generation is a part of your life in any way, I think this book is a must read.


Well, it’s true. You can now follow me on TikTok. Actually, I have fallen in love with this platform and we are creating content specifically for TikTok and that audience. TikTok can be a little raw but you can control what you watch on it. Our goal is to be where people are! Everyone everywhere needs to know God’s plan for marriage and how awesome it is so we are there! I need your help in building an audience on TikTok. You can follow me on TikTok @kimkimberling.


“Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute, and love without stopping.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:13-14‬ ‭MSG‬‬

I know I have read this verse a hundred times or more. For some reason today, it jumped off the page at me. Why have I missed it in the past? I want to break it down and, of course, apply it to our marriages.

Keep your eyes open. One of the things I have learned over the years of my marriage is to watch over Nancy. What does that mean? For me, I want to continue to be a student of her. I want to know when she is upset or frustrated or whatever she is experiencing so that I may come alongside her. I do this by keeping my eyes open and focused on her.

Hold tight to your convictions. It seems that it is very easy for us to compromise in the culture that we live in. Things that we thought were definitely wrong can slip into gray areas. Culture can spin things in a way that makes something that is not okay look okay. My convictions for my marriage go all the way back to our wedding day and the vows I made to God and Nancy.  There can be no compromise here. 

Give it all you’ve got. I wanted to figure marriage out early, and then just coast in my marriage the rest of my life. Nice thought but it does not work. A good marriage happens when I am all in every single day.

Be resolute. I want to be purposeful and determined in my marriage every day. For me, it is keeping my focus where it needs to be - God is first and Nancy is second.

Love without stopping. As much as I “love” these words, carrying them out day after day can be difficult. In fact, on my own it is impossible but with God I can love Nancy without stopping. He will equip me day after day after day if I will simply daily ask Him.


Here is my challenge to us. Write 1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:13-14‬ out or print this Dispatch and read this verse every day for the next 30 days. Then pray for God to write it on your heart. A month from now, tell us what God did!

*Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. I only promote products we truly recommend.

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