2020 Was Not A “Throw Away” Year

Dispatch 12:31 BANNER.png

This week in the Dispatch:

  • New Year’s facts in Quick Hits!

  • Start your new year off with Atomic Habits

  • The Awesome Marriage Podcast continues its short winter break

  • What happened in 2020 in “Insights”

  • Challenges and a Next Step to get 2021 off on the right foot! 

This Week’s Quick Hits:

  • The Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration began in 1904, but the first New Year’s Eve ball was dropped in 1907. It weighed 700 pounds and was made of wood and iron with 100 light bulbs!

  • Today’s New Year’s ball weighs 11,875 pounds and is covered in 2,688 Waterford crystal triangles!

  • The ball has been dropped annually since 1907, with two notable exceptions — due to World War II light restrictions, Times Square remained dark in 1942 and 1943!


Atomic Habits by James Clear

Most New Year’s resolutions don’t work. Most people abandon them or forget about them by February first. There are probably as many reasons for this as there are people. If you want to make some changes that will truly make a difference in your life and in the life of those around you, this book will help you get there. Atomic Habits will help you build good habits and break bad ones. Clear believes that the reason you have not been able to change your habits is not you, but your system. In this book, he draws on proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. This is a great way to start 2021!

YouVersion Plan:

One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day 

One thing we do at Awesome Marriage that helps so many people is our daily One Thing email, which gives one positive thing to do for their marriage each day. This 31-day “One Thing” Bible reading plan would be a great way to start that habit. Then at the end, subscribe to our One Thing email!


The Awesome Marriage Podcast is on a short winter break.  Look for our first episode of 2021 on Tuesday January 19th!


It seems New Year’s Eve 2019 was just a few days ago. I remember the excitement of not only a new year, but a new decade. Our family had enjoyed a great Christmas season. Nancy and I were planning our 50th wedding anniversary trip. The hopes and dreams of 2020 were right in front of us.  

What were you thinking about on 12/31/19? What plans did you have for 2020? I think the fact is that most of our 2020 plans went unmet. Trips were cancelled. Business plans were redone or trashed. Schools closed and opened and closed and opened. Many of the events that mark a year did not happen or happened differently than in the past. Sure there were some long days, but for many of us it was a short year. Now we stand at the beginning of another new year. What does 2021 hold? Will things be better, remain the same, or get worse? 

I believe 2020 was not a “throw away” year. Whether we experience things as good or bad, we learn. God does not create throw away years. God does not waste time. He teaches us both when we are doing well and when we are struggling. There is always much to learn. Plus never forget that, “God brings good out of everything for His people.” 

So here are some of the things I learned in 2020. It definitely was not a throw away year!

  • I am in control of nothing. Embracing that truth was really freeing.

  • God is in control of everything.

  • I really like being cooped up with my bride.

  • I have embraced the great outdoors in some fun new ways.

  • Time with good friends is truly precious.

  • Family time is essential.

  • I can worship anywhere, but I really like being inside my church.

  • A lot of things that I thought mattered to me don’t.

  • Take out is really good.

  • I still hate masks but I am thankful for them.

  • Some hand sanitizers smell really bad.

  • Life is precious and each day is a gift!

Happy New Year to each and every one of you!


  • Has 2020 seemed fast or slow to you?

  • What is your prayer for 2021?

  • What does “God brings good out of everything for His people” mean to you?

Next Step:

Make your own list of things you have learned in 2020 and then share it with your spouse!


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